Workout of the Week 4/28/18
Welcome to our first Workout of the Week post! I am so excited to be able to provide you all with this every week. Please bear with me as I am a busy mom, but I will try to post these every Saturday. If you guys would prefer a different day please let me know and I can work on accommodating that!.
So this week's workout I did not come up with or design myself. To be honest I am not exactly sure where I first came across it, except I know it is a workout and very well-known in the CrossFit community. The only piece of equipment involved is a jump rope.
Like most workouts that I will share with you, there is a prescribed version (Rx) and a Scaled version. It is a great workout to get your heart rate up and practice your double unders, which is something I have really been trying to improve on. That is why I chose it! I hope it makes you sweat!
The first movement is Double unders and for those of you new to this term it is simply when the rope rotates around twice during one jump. This is a skilled movement that works the entire body and is the main cardio movement.
The second movement is air squats. Simplest description for this is to start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, keeping your back straight, until your hips go below your knees. Come back to standing making sure you are standing all the way up.

Workout of the Week
5 Rounds for time:
- 50 Double Unders
- 50 Air Squats
- 150 Single under
Goal: Under 10 minutes! If you want to practice your double unders but can't quite do them efficiently enough to make the time cap try just decreasing the amount as a scaled option. This way you get the practice but it doesn't take you forever to do the workout. As you become more proficient I would start increasing your number of double unders.