Reflection and Goal Setting for the New Year

Every year people always come up with their New Year's Resolutions. I am not excluded from that list and like most people I am not very good with sticking to them throughout the year. This year I am working on reflection and goal setting. 

I want to focus on reflecting on the past year and what I have already accomplished and what I didn't. So I want to revamp my goals for 2019 to reflect what I have learned about myself in 2018. 

I want to challenge you all to do the same thing! Don't just think about weight loss and money. I want you to dig deeper. What are you going to do to achieve the big picture goals? How have your goals changed? 

Reflection and Goal Setting For the New Year

2018 in Review

For me and my family 2018 was a growing year. I have learned a lot and about myself and my family. Not only did I accomplish some fitness goals, we also achieved some financial goals, and some personal growth goals. 


Last year I didn't set too many crazy fitness goals. I didn't want to lose a certain amount of weight or anything like that. My goals were simpler and more task orientated: run a half marathon, get a pull-up, maintain working out through the whole year, do better about my diet. 

For the most part these were all achieved although I still could have done better about my diet and while I did get a pull-up I haven't been able to do another one. I even did a handstand push-up which I had never done before so that was awesome! 


Some amazing things have happened for my family this year. Originally we thought that we were moving to England at the end of the year. Then it was changed to Germany and most recently we were offered a bonus to stay here for another year. 

This year both me and my husband purchased new vehicles and set several other financial successes. Our son has grown so much and started soccer for the first time. We have started working on our reading and writing with him and he is so smart. I look forward to watching him grow!  

Personal Growth

So this year I wanted to work on things that I enjoy and what can help my future. I completed my CrossFit level 1 Trainer course and am working on my coaching. After doing a lot of research and thinking I also signed up to start my Masters in Nutrition which I am starting in January. 

Starting my blog was one of the best things I have done this year for my personal growth. Not only is it something that I enjoy but it has really made me work on my time management skills. 

Reflection and Goal Setting For the New Year

2019 Goal Planning

I am very excited to go into the New Year. We have a lot of good things coming and planning to keep improving. When setting my goals for 2019 I did reflect on everything I did accomplish in 2018 and what I need to work on. I don't like to say I am setting a resolution but a goal. 

Goals are something that I feel like I want to achieve a little more than just a resolution. They also fluctuate for me and I can set short term and long term goals that way I don't give up the first month in. 

Fitness Goals

So after the success I had this last year even with a back injury in the late fall I have changed my goals a bit for the new year. For the most part this year I did very well with staying consistent which then caused an improvement in my general fitness. Next year I want to improve on specific movements.

I sat down with my coach and went over where I am struggling and things I want to improve. On the list are pull-ups, push-ups and handstand push-ups for body weight movements. I want to increase my cardio capacity not only for running but for actual workouts. The biggest thing I wanted to work on was my movement for my Front Squat. 

Thanks to the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course I learned a lot about my own movements. My Front squat is off and it in turn is affecting my Squat clean and thrusters. Once I fix my front squat I should be able to improve on other movements. I have no set number just functionality. 

Family Goals

For 2019 our goal is to start saving up for us to buy a house. I am going back to school, my husband will graduate with his bachelors and Shamar will start Pre-K so education will play a major role in the new year. I just want us to be happy and to be healthy.

As for my blog I have a few goals for the new year. I am launching my new 28 day workout program. I am hoping to launch a YouTube page as well this year with demonstrations for movements and workouts. A major goal would be to work on gaining affiliates and partners to work with. Growth is definitely a goal for me and I want to help as many people as I can to be healthy and fit in the new year.

As always I hope you all enjoyed what I have brought to you so far this year and that you learned something! Please share with your friends and family and let me know if there is something you want to hear about or any questions you might have! 


Workout of the Week 12/23/18


Workout of the Week 12/16/18