Workout of the Week 1/20/19
Happy Sunday! This workout of the week has a fun new movement! If you have already purchased my 28 Day Kick-Start program you might already recognize it!
Today will put your shoulders to the test. I believe this is something more people need to work on. For this workout you will need a Kettle-bell and a plyo-box, or something like a bench or a chair.
The first movement is the new movement I was talking about. It is actually a movement done to help people be able to do handstand push-ups. You start with your knees on top of the box with your hands on the ground, in an inverted position. Then you bring your head down to touch the ground and then come back up so your arms are fully extended.
Next our burpees, one of our favorite cardio movements. For this you will start in a standing position, the bring your hands down to the ground as you jump your feet backwards. This will put you in the plank position, from here do a push-up chest touches the ground and then jump your feet back up to your hands and stand all the way up. As you do this jump with your hands over your head. That is one rep.
Next is Kettle-bell swings. I have a 25lb Kettle-bell but if you have heavier ones at home now would be the time to use a heavier KB. Start with the weight in your hand hanging between your legs. Next, use your legs and hips swing the KB up and over your head. Make sure to have the bottom of the bell facing the sky. Then bring it back down.
Lastly a run is a run just go move!
Workout of the Week
5 Rounds for Time
- 6 Inverted Push-ups
- 8 Burpees
- 10 Kb Swings
- 200 m Run
Scaling options for this workout would be a smaller incline, all the way down to the ground, where your push-up looks like a V. Burpees can be done without going all the way to the ground and against an angle. KB swings should be scaled by using a lighter KB or only swinging it to eye level.
If you can't run then walk! If it is raining inside, then run in place for about a minute or so, depending on how long it would take you to run 200m.
And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!