7 Amazing Muscle Recovery Tips for Post Workout

You killed your workout. Hit every squat, crushed the cleansand survived the burpees. Or maybe you didn’t but you gave it your all. That’sok too. But what’s next? If you have ever felt or suffered delayed onset musclesoreness (DOMS) you may already know how you are going to feel later. Well I amhere to help. Here are 7 amazing muscle recovery tips for post workout.

Muscle recovery has become a vital component of research done to help athletes excel. I have read a number of studies and people are trying everything. There are cryogenic chambers, saunas, sports massages and so much more. While I may still write about those things at some point, right now I wanted to talk what everyday people can do on a regular basis.

7 amazing muscle reocvery

7 Amazing Muscle Recovery Tips for Post Workout

1. Take a cold shower post workout to reduce inflammation of the muscles

If you have the time after your workout,take about a 15-minute ice cold shower. This helps relieve any inflammation in themuscles as well as help lower core body temperature and lower heart rate. Thisis similar to an ice bath, which is optimally better but not as readilyavailable.

2. Eat a post-workout snack that has a 4-1 carb to protein ration to help restore nutrients lost in the muscle during the workout (Chocolate milk is great).

One study suggests that having chocolatemilk and a banana post workout is a great meal to help reduce muscle soreness. Whenyou're working out, your muscles use up their glycogen stores for energy. This causesyour muscles to become partly exhausted of glycogen. Some of the proteinsin your muscles also get broken down and damaged. Because of this, you need toreplenish.

3. Stretch and foam roll.

I cannot reiterate this enough. Stretching helps return your body to its normal position and posture. Foam-rolling at the end of your workout will help increase circulation, foam rolling also boosts short-term improvements in range of motion. Stick to your glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, traps, and lats.

4. Stay hydrated

This speaks for its self.  If you aredehydrated following a workout, the protein synthesis that restores muscleswill be slower and will hold up your recovery. One of the most common signs ofdehydration is fatigue. When you are dehydrated, the heart must work harder topump the blood to the entire body especially those areas that need vital oxygenand nutrients. Fatigue delays post workout recovery. Remember that our muscles are actually 75% water!

5. Active Recovery

Move. That is what active recovery means. Don’tlet your muscles or joints get too stiff because then you will increase the chanceof becoming sore. Try going for a walk or do some yoga, cycling or swimming.Keep your body moving. Itreduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, reducing post-exercisestiffness and discomfort. It helps blood flow to the joints and muscles,counteracting inflammation.

6. Epsom Salt Bath

While cold water emersion is suggested immediately after a workout, an Epsom salt bath been shown to reduce swelling, relieve stress, improve circulation, soften skin and improve mood.  The minerals in the salts are absorbed efficiently through the skin, delivering quick relief from muscle aches and pains of large muscle groups.  Just one Epsom salt bath a week can have an incredible impact on your health and emotional wellness. I usually do this on a rest day.

7. Sleep

Sleep gives you more than just rest, itrevitalizes your nervous system and reloads your energy stores. Naturallythe deeper and better you sleep, the better you reload. That’s importantbecause if you don’t let your central nervous system (CNS) recover, yourfitness will be affected because your CNS oversees activating musclecontractions, reaction time, and response to pain. You’re will become slower,weaker, possibly less coordinated in your movements. Without proper sleep,you begin reducing muscle growth and recovery, as well as your central nervoussystem stops recharging. This then makes you feel drained, unenthusiastic, andweak in your workouts. So get your sleep!!

There are so many ways to help your bodyrecover after a workout. Find what works for you. I personally try toincorporate all of these, as well as use electrical stem unit, massage therapyand am learning about a few others to eventually try. I will keep you posted. Irecently started using CBD oil and so far, love the results but its still toosoon to tell but I will definitely share with you all!

Hope this helps and you can get back out there and work hard! Don't forget to check out some of our Workout of the Weeks to help get you moving!


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Workout of the Week 2/10/19