Soldier Saturday 5/11/19

Welcome to Soldier Saturday!! Since I have had so much success with my Workout of the Week posts that I post on Sunday, my husband has decided he wants to share his workouts with you all as well.

He really wanted to do it on Sunday and was trying to have me move the day I post my Workout of the Week. Obviously I won that battle.

This is something we have discussed adding to my blog for a while now and we are finally making the steps to produce it for you.

What to Expect

So his workouts are designed differently then how I structure the Workout of the Week. While I am a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, he doesn't do CrossFit. He is an ex-College Sprinter and currently an Army Sergeant.

Needless to say, he is just as driven as I am about health and fitness but he just uses a different training style. One of our long-term goals is to open up our own gym. But first we will start with sharing with you.

This particular workout was designed to be done in under 1 hour in a gym setting. It is also broken up in to two parts. The first part is a run. The second, is a short list of weight lifting movements that are made to be done with moderate weight at a fast pace.

Soldier Saturday 5/11/19 gym workout designed by an Army Sergeant.

Soldier Saturday

Part A: For Time

  • 3 Mile Run

Part B: Weightlifting

  • Bench Press 3x15
  • Power Clean 3x10
  • DB Fly 3x10
  • Military Press 3x5

Again the entire thing is to be done in under an hour. The weightlifting portion is to be done one movement after the other. Not in Supersets.

Do a set, take 15 second rest. Immediately move on to the next movement once finished with the final set. Try to reduce the time between movements to the least amount of time as possible. Also, the weight should be something you can move quickly, but at the same time not too light. I suggest a more moderate weight.

If you are interested in more workouts like this please let me know. It is something that we will be testing out on the blog. Please feel free to reach out to me about scaling options, if you don't think you are quite at this level but still want to workout like this.


Workout of the Week 5/12/19


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