Workout of the Week 5/26/19
Its Memorial Day Weekend and that means that this Workout of the Week post will be something plenty of you have seen before.
No words are really need he died a hero. CrossFit is known for its Hero WODs and this is no exception. This is by far the most popular one. It has been done in several CrossFit Games and has even been done in several other gyms. In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
For this, you will need a place to do a pull-up and if you are doing it Rx you will need a weighted vest.
Running is simple. Just move.
Next is Pull-ups. For these you can use whichever method you want, strict, butterfly, or kipping. First start in a free hang position with your arms fully extended. Your chin needs to come above the bar. And your arms need to come all the way back to full extension before the next pull-up.
Then there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up.
Then squats. Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Then squat down until your hip crease is below your knee crease, making sure to keep your weight on your heels and your knees tracking out over your toes. Also, keep your chest up. Then come back to a full standing position.
And lastly another Run!!!
Workout of the Week
Murph For Time:
- 1 Mile Run
- 100 Pull-ups
- 200 Push-ups
- 300 Squats
- 1 Mile Run
The Pull-ups, push-ups and squats can be done in any combination you want, but all has to be completed between the runs. For example 20 rounds of 5 Pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats.
Scaling options would be to do jumping pull-ups. For the push-ups you can go to your knees or agains a box or counter. Squats can be done to a box. The Runs can be walked. There is even a scale where you do half of everything.
I hope you all enjoy this and it is definitely a longer workout than I usually prescribe. But it is a great workout to honor those who have served.
And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!