Workout of the Week 6/30/19

It is the end of June and I have officially had this blog up for over a year!! I am excited to share this Workout of the Week with you all after this huge milestone!

If you have been following a long since the beginning there have been several different types of workouts that I have posted. Some have been more difficult then others, some have been longer some shorter. But you should have gotten a good workout regardless each time.

This week is no different. You will need some place to run and and do some movements. No weights are needed unless you want to push yourself farther.


The first movement is just a run. So figure out how far you need to measure out for your run. You can also use a track if you have access to one.

The second movement is squats. Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Then squat down until your hip crease is below your knee crease, making sure to keep your weight on your heels and your knees tracking out over your toes. Also, keep your chest up. Then come back to a full standing position. 

Sit-ups are next. These are pretty simple. Start by lying down on your back with your legs in a butterfly position. Then sit up, keeping your back straight and bring your shoulders past your hip crease. I recommend having an abMat under your back to help. 

Then there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up. 

Workout of the Week 6/30/19 Go outside and get a great workout in this summer!!

Workout of the Week

4 Rounds for Time

  • Run 400 m
  • 21 Squats
  • 15 Sit-ups
  • 9 Push-ups

I hope this gets you out and moving and ready for the week ahead. It is almost 4th of July and last year I ran a 10k but this year I am beyond unprepared for anything like that. I hope to get back to it soon especially with workouts like this one!

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


Workout of the Week 7/7/19


How Protein Effects Athletes and Exercise