Workout of the Week 9/1/19

It is Labor Day weekend and a new month! I am so excited to get this month started! This Workout of the Week will get you ready for the fun month ahead!

To my fellow CrossFitters don't forget to sign up for the CrossFit Open, it is now in less than 40 days. Which means you have a little over a month to prepare.

I hope that my workouts help you get prepared as well as the workouts you are doing in your box.

For this workout, you will need a Dumbbell, a plyobox or something to step up onto, and a wall. Plus some space.


These movements are very specific so I am using the movement standards for this workout.

First is the DB Overhead Lunge. Now normally ladies I use a 20lb DB because that is what I have at home, however, 19.3 called for a 35 lb DB. Each lunge begins with the DB overhead, your feet together, and standing tall and starting behind the starting line. As you step forward, the back knee has to hit the ground and the DB must stay overhead through the entire movement. Stand all the way back up before lunging forward again. The weight can switch arms as much as you need.

Next is the box step-ups. You have to hold the DB the entire time but how you hold it is up to you. It is also required to alternate feet for the step-ups. Once you step up to the top of the box, you have to come to a full standing position before stepping back down.

Then is the Hand stand Push Up. There are strict movement standards that you will want to check out for. However, all HSPU start with your upside down in the Hand stand position arms fully locked out. Bring your head down to touch the ground and push back up, keeping your feet inside your hands and only your heels on the wall.

For the Handstand walk, start on your hands behind the line. It is literally walking on your hands. Make sure to have 5 ft sections marked out so that if you come down you have a place to start. You don't finish until both hands have crossed the line.

Workout of the Week 9/1/19

Workout of the Week

19.3 For Time:

  • 200-ft DB Overhead Lunge
  • 50 DB Box Step-ups
  • 50 Strict HSPU
  • 200-ft Handstand Walk

I know this looks like a lot. And it is. For the Open there was a 10 Min time cap. I did this one as RX and only finished the lunges and box step ups. There wasn't a lot of time left for me to even attempt a HSPU.

I don't want to put a time cap on this. Mainly so you can practice the movements.

Scaling Options

Scaling for this workout was the first time we saw that the scaled workouts didn't have a substitute for HSPU. So the first scale is to put an AbMat or plate under your head and still do a strict HSPU. For those less skilled, scaling options would be to scale to kipping HSPU and finally to inverted pushups from the top of the box.

I would scale the weight if it is too heavy for you as well. The scale for the Handstand walk is a bear crawl.

You can always check out for video examples of these movements.

I highly suggest you work on just getting comfortable with some of the scaling options if you aren't able to do the movements as prescribed. This will help you get ready for the Open!

Good Luck!!


Workout of the Week 9/8/19


How To Prepare for your First CrossFit Open