Workout of the Week 11/3/19
It is officially November and I am excited about this Workout of the Week! Again we are going to style this similarly to the CrossFit Open Workout 20.4 but with an at-home twist.
I really hope you enjoy this workout. It will definitely have you feeling it afterward, particularly in your legs.
For this, you will need, preferably 2 sets of dumbbells, one heavier than the other as well as plyobox.
For DB Clean and Jerks start with the weight on the ground, with your knees slightly bent like you're about to do a deadlift. Then you will bring the weights up starting with a deadlift going into a high pull and then flipping your elbows under the weight. Once the weight is at your shoulders in a front rack position, you will slightly bend your knees and use the power to push the weights overhead. Make sure to lock out your arms and be in a fully standing position.
For box jumps, start with both feet on the floor facing the box shoulder-width apart. Jump up on to the plyo-box, jumping off of both feet at the same time and landing on both feet. Then, make sure to stand all the way up at the top of the box. You can step down or jump down before going again.
Pistols are essentially single-leg squats. The leg you are squatting with will stay firmly planted. The other leg can’t touch the ground, and your hip still needs to go below parallel. You have to come to a full extension when standing on one foot before you switch feet.
Workout of the Week
For Time:
- 30 Box Jumps
- 15 Clean & Jerks
- 30 Box Jumps
- 15 Clean & Jerks
- 30 Box Jumps
- 10 Clean & Jerks
- 30 Alt Pistols
- 10 Heavy Clean & Jerks
- 30 Alt Pistols
- 5 Heavy Clean & Jerks
- 30 Alt Pistols
- 5 Heavy Clean & Jerks
For scaling options, will start with the weight of the dumbbells. For this workout RX for the box jumps includes step-ups, but you can always use a lower box. To scale for the Pistols, would be step-ups with weight, either a DB or medicine ball.
CrossFit put a time cap of 20 minutes on this workout but feel free to go beyond that if needed.
Please don't forget to share your scores with us! I really hope you enjoy this workout!
Always be mindful of form and your own limitations. Please ask a doctor before starting a new exercise regiment or taking new supplements.