Workout of the Week 3/1/2020
Y'all March is here already. I am so not ready!! Ok, but for real, I feel like this year has gone by so fast already. And I still have so much I wish to accomplish!! This Workout of the Week will help keep us focused on our fitness goals.
And I mean fitness goals because I have so many goals that I want to achieve this year that are not just fitness related. And I hope to share that journey with you all.
But first, we have to get our workout on. For this workout, you will need some space to run and a Kettlebell.
First, there is running. For this, I would recommend plotting out 200 m and run there and back. You could also take your KB to a local track and use it instead.
Next are KB swings. For these start standing over the KB with it between your legs that are shoulder-width apart. Pick it up, then bending your knees slightly swing the KB overhead using the strength from your legs and hips. The bottom of the KB should face the sky directly about your head before you bring it back down.
Then we have Goblet squats. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the KB in front of you at chest height. Then squat down until your hip crease is below your knee crease, making sure to keep your weight on your heels and your knees tracking out over your toes. Also, keep your chest up. Then come back to a full standing position.
Lastly, there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up.
Workout of the Week
4 Rounds for Time:
- Run 400 m
- 21 KB Swings
- 15 Goblet Squats
- 9 Push-ups
Scaling options would be to firs walk the 400 or if you have a bike or rower do that for 2 minutes. KB swings can be scaled by not going to the full height overhead and instead swing the KB to eye level. The other would be to scale the weight down. Same with goblet squats, or go to air squats. Push-ups can be scaled by doing them from their knees, or against a box, bench or wall.
This is a great workout to keep you moving and hit the whole body. If you like this workout please check out our available programs for what your specific goals are.
Until next time!