Workout of the Week 11/22/2020

It is almost Thanksgiving and I am so excited about this Workout of the Week to get me ready. I am so ready for the holidays!! Normally I don't put up my Christmas tree until after Thanksgiving, but the way this year is going I need all the Christmas cheer I can get so it is going up this week.

I do have some updated information to give you as well. We just found out that we are moving back to the United States in the Spring of 2021. In the meantime I am doing everything in my power to get my online Fitness and Nutrition coaching ready to be available to you by the new year. I temporarily took everything off of my page to make preparations for the transition to the new programming.

But in the meantime, I still have all the items I am still an affiliate of including Amazon so please check out our Products and Resources page for items I commonly use. It is Black Friday week so sales are already running.

For todays workout you will need a jump rope and a Kettlebell.


First, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double unders. 

Next are KB swings. For these start standing over the KB with it between your legs that are shoulder width apart. Pick it up, then bending your knees slightly swing the KB overhead using the strength from your legs and hips. The bottom of the KB should face the sky directly about your head before you bring it back down.

Workout of the Week

10 Rounds For Time:

  • 50 DUs
  • 15 KB Swings

Scaling options would be to do single unders instead of double unders. For the KB Swings you can scale by doing the swings to your eye level or reduce the weight of the KB.


Workout of the Week 11/29/2020


Workout of the Week 11/16/2020