Workout of the Week 2/21/2021

February seems like it has just flown by! I mean it's already a short month as it is and that just means that next Sunday is the last day of the month and we are onto March!! It just feels like I just shared the last Workout of the Week and we are already doing another one.

The weather around the world has been crazy! COVID is still running rampant and I am prepping for a cross the world move. So don't mind me if I am a little out of it in the next couple of weeks. But with that being said I did design today's workout to be done indoors again to help out our snow ravaged friends.

For today's workout, you will need a set of dumbbells, an abMat, and a bit of space. I did this in my tiny home gym so not a lot is required just enough for you to move.


First are burpees, one of our favorite cardio movements. For this you will start in a standing position, then bring your hands down to the ground near your feet as you jump your feet backwards. This will put you in a plank position, from here do a push-up making sure that your chest touches the ground. Then you will jump your feet back up to your hands and then stand all the way up and finish with a jump clapping your hands over your head.

Sit-ups are next. These are pretty simple. Start by lying down on your back with your legs in a butterfly position. Then sit up, keeping your back straight and bring your shoulders past your hip crease. I recommend having an abMat under your back to help. 

Next, is the push press. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the weights in the front rack position. Then slightly bend your knees keeping your back straight, then using your hips stand up, pushing the weights overhead and locking out your arms. Bring the weights back down to your shoulders. 

Then there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up. 

Pistols are essentially single leg squats. The leg you are squatting with will stay firmly planted. The other leg can’t touch the ground, and your hip still needs to go below parallel. You have to come to a full extension when standing on one foot before you switch feet. 

Workout of the Week 2/21/2021

Workout of the Week

4 Rounds for Time:

  • 15 Burpees
  • 12 Sit-ups
  • 9 DB Push Press
  • 6 Push-ups
  • 3 Pistols

Scaling options would be first to scale the burpees by either not doing the push-up portion or doing it to a box or bench. You can also step your feet back and forward instead of jumping. Scaling the push-press by lowering the weight. Push-ups can be scaled by doing them on your knees or against a bench or box. Pistols can be scaled by using something to hold on to assist your movements. If that is still too difficult then single-leg step-ups.

I hope you enjoy this workout! Don't forget to come back next week to see what we have going on. As always if you are looking for more like this check out my 28 Day Kick-start program or any of my Prholific Fitness and Nutrition Programs!!


Workout of the Week 2/28/2021


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