How to Make time for Exercise and Nutrition

I know that sometimes it just seems like life is too busy and there isn't enough time in the day for everything you need to get done. And exercise and nutrition aren't always on that list. But they should be. Exercise and nutrition are important aspects of your own personal well being. It goes with the saying "You can't pour from an empty cup". You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others. So I am going to outline some great ways on how you can make time for exercise and nutrition.

At first some of these things may seem like they are more time consuming and make it more difficult to get through your day. But I promise the more you do it the easier it becomes. To the point that when you don't follow these tips, that you may feel like nothing is working smoothly.

I know because that was me. The extra time I used to prepare myself for my week has saved me time during the week when my time is even more valuable. And if you don't work a Monday-Friday 9-5, this can still work for you.

7 ways to make time for exercise and nutrition

7 Ways to Make Time for Exercise and Nutrition

1. Ask yourself Why?

Why are you trying to make time for exercise and fitness? Why are you making it a priority. You may know some pretty basic reasons, but you need to try and get down to a good reason. One that will be important enough to make the changes you need and to keep them.

2. Identify your Priorities

Identify all of your priorities and in order. One analogy that is commonly used is putting big rocks, pebbles, and sand in the jar. Identify your big rocks or your most important priorities. Everyone's priorities will be different. Some people are parents and their kids are a priority. Some people are career-driven and that's a priority.

Daily planning with a calendar

3. Keep a Time Diary

I know scheduling your day out can be difficult. Instead, I would suggest that you journal your time first. Do this for a couple of weeks and then analyze it. See how your time actually does get spent. And then compare it to how you actually want to focus your time. Analyze where you can make changes to achieve your new goals. Be realistic when you do this!

4. Increase Health and Fitness Activities Gradually

It has been suggested to gradually increase your health and fitness activities in 15 minute increments. At the same time you should decrease other activities in 15 minute increments. So instead of watching TV for an hour, do 45 minutes of TV and 15 minute workout. Sometimes 15 minutes can seem like a lot so if you need smaller increments that is okay too. Move at a pace that is good for you.

5. Create Systems to Make Exercise and Fitness easier

Systems may seem like they complicate things and a waste of time, but if done right they really make life easier. You don't have to jump into meal prepping right away but doing simple system changes like leaving fresh whole foods in plain sight. Reduce the number of unhealthier snacks/foods. Find a gym that is close to your normal commute.

6. Make Meal Prep and Movement part of your calendar

Create a calendar. It doesn't matter where you keep it but make one. We have a giant wall calendar, I keep a calendar I carry around that is written, and then we use our phones. Then schedule out your meals and your workouts and stick to it. If you wanted until you felt like it then you could be waiting a long time.

7. Review your Week

At the end of each week review how it went. Be honest with yourself. Did you use your time wisely to support your health and fitness goals? If everything went well reflect back on it and see if there is any room for improvement or see if you are ready to increase your workout time. But if you did not meet your goals, figure out what went wrong. Determine if you need to adjust your priorities or if it was just a bad week. Those happen and its ok. The point is to keep going and don't make it a pattern.


Making changes to your every day life is a process. Changes should be done slowly and gradually. Major changes should be implemented in steps to make it easier to acclimate to them. Make a plan and stick to it. Review your week and make changes accordingly. That is how you make time for exercise and nutrition.


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