Workout of the Week 3/14/2021
It's the first week of the CrossFit Open and it will also be our Workout of the Week! This year the CrossFit Open is structured more differently than I have ever seen it. But in a good way! The Open workouts now have a category for no equipment for those of us at home with limited access to a gym or equipment. Then there is a foundations category and adaptive categories. And of course the regular RX, Scaled, Masters and Teens division.
So basically any way you want to participate you can. I am still trying to decide which route I am going to go because I am in the middle of this move and won't have my equipment or access to a gym the whole time. My original plan was to do it all equipment free since Germany was on a strict lock down. Now it has been announced that we can go in one at a time to do it in an actual gym. But due to the limited availablity I will probably still be doing it at home.
Anyway, now let's get to this workout. For today's workout, you will just need a jump rope and an open wall space. And I mean wall space, like prepared to be upside down against the wall.
First is the Wall Walk. Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. Then move into the push-up position and start putting your feet onto the wall. As you raise your feet up the wall, walk your hands closer to the wall. At the top of the movement, your hands will be about 10 inches away from the wall, then walk your hands back out and lower your legs. The Movement standards for the open are a bit more specific so go check them out HERE.
Lastly, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double unders.
Workout of the Week
CrossFit Open 21.1
For Time (15 Min cap)
- 1 Wall Walk
- 10 DUs
- 3 Wall Walks
- 30 DUs
- 6 Wall Walks
- 60 DUs
- 9 Wall Walks
- 90 DUs
- 15 Wall Walks
- 150 DUs
- 21 Wall Walks
- 210 DUs
So the scaled version of the Open calls for single unders instead of double unders. As for the Wall walk it is scaled by the athlete just moving their hands behind the the line that would be where your shoulders would be when you are laying on the ground. They also provided information on doing a bear crawl for 5 feet in place of wall walks.
I hope you crush this work out and sign up for the open to see how you place in the whole world.