Workout of the Week 5/16/21

This weekend was definitely a crazy one for me and I am excited to get started on this Workout of the Week. I really need to start getting into a new pattern after moving and getting all of our household goods finally. I am still in unpacking mode and my new semester of my second Master's program has started this past week. Needless to say, it is definitely time to get back into a routine with everything in my life. And the best way is always to start with working out. It seems to balance me and make me feel better.

It is starting to get hot here in South Carolina and I am honestly in heaven but my Summer bod isn't quite activated yet. However, my mom bod is in full affect and to be honest I am not as upset about it as I normally would be. I am learning to love my body as it is. I work out, I am strong, and I like to eat. So what if I am not super skinny. I am me!!

But for this week's workout, we are definitely going outside. Get some sunshine and vitamin D in your system. You will need somewhere to run, a jump rope and a kettlebell. If you don't have a KB you can always substitute it with a dumbbell.


First we will start with running. The easiest way to do this is if you are at home find a point 200 m away and run there and back. If you have access to a track just one lap around most tracks are 400 m. Whatever works for you just get moving.

Next, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double unders. 

Then there are the KB Snatches. For these, you start with one KB on the floor between your feet. Grab the JKB with one hand, keep your back straight and strong. Pull the KB straight up and overhead and lock your arm out at the top. You can catch it in the power position then stand up and bring the KB back down to the ground and switch arms. 

workout of the week 5/16/21

Workout of the Week

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 400 m Run
  • 100 DUs
  • 20 KB Snatches (ALT)

Scaling options would be to walk instead of running, or if you are inside due to weather and have access to a rower I would row 500 m. A substitution for double unders will be single unders and due to the volume just do 150 for the 100 DUs. Scaling the KB snatches would just reduce the weight. I have an adjustable KB that allows me to have one KB that can go from 8 lbs to 40 lbs. that I can adjust as needed.

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


Workout of the Week 5/23/21


Workout of the Week 5/9/2021