Workout of the Week 1/9/22

We are back at it with another Workout of the Week! Consistency is key in 2022! And I am not just talking about working out, I am also talking about me posting consistently and working on this blog to get it back to where it once was. Let's get this New Year started off right!

Each of these workouts is designed to test your agility, balance, coordination, endurance, speed, and strength. Sometimes all in one workout and other times the workout will focus on just one of these skills. It's no surprise that exercise is an important component of your daily routine, with benefits including better sleep, increased brainpower, and increased happiness. The fact that you're getting up and out is a triumph in and of itself, but science and experts agree that varying your workouts has numerous advantages, especially if you want to avoid injury.

So continue to come to check out our workouts each week to add something new to your routine. For today's workout, you will need a jump rope and a kettlebell. I have an adjustable KB so I can use whatever wait I feel is necessary. Typically I use 25 lbs. for a workout like this.


Running is pretty self-explanatory. You have a few options here you can do this on a treadmill or outdoors. If you go outside I would suggest measuring out 100 m and running there and back.

Then, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double under. 

Next are KB swings. For these start standing over the KB with it between your legs that are shoulder-width apart. Pick it up, then bend your knees slightly swing the KB overhead using the strength from your legs and hips. The bottom of the KB should face the sky directly about your head before you bring it back down.

Then there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up. 

Workout of the Week

Workout of the Week

5 Rounds for Time:

  • Run 200 m
  • 20 DU
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 5 Push-ups

Scaling options would be to walk instead of run. If you can't do double under then I would do 40 singles or practice your DUs for about 30 seconds before completing singles. The KB swings can be scaled by only swinging to eye level or doing a lighter weight. Push-ups can be done from the knees or against a counter or wall.

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


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