Workout of the Week 2/28/22

Welcome to the CrossFit Open Season! If you are new here, I am a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and I love doing CrossFit workouts. And every year since I started doing the Workout of the Week posts, I have shared an at-home version of the Open workouts. Last year they made it very easy to do because of COVID. I didn't actually have to change for most workouts.

Today's workout will be the same. The first open workout is something that can be done at home with minimal equipment. The Open workouts themselves are supposed to be done with a judge and follow specific movement standards and weights based on your skill level. I am not going to go over those but you can check them out HERE.

For this workout, you will need some space on a wall, a dumbbell, and a plyobox. CrossFit has the RX version that does 35 lbs for women and 50 lbs for men. Box height is 20" for women and 24" for men.


For Wall Walks you will start laying on your stomach with your feet up against a wall. Then go into the piked position with your butt high in the air and on your hands and toes. Next, reach one foot up onto the wall followed by the second foot. Then walk your hands towards the wall. The CrossFit standards have you going until 10 inches away from the wall. Once you have reached that point walk your hands back to starting position and control bringing your feet back down to the ground.

Then there are the DB Snatches. For these, you start with one DB on the floor between your feet. Grab the DB with one hand, keep your back straight and strong. Pull the DB straight up and overhead and lock your arm out at the top. You can catch it in the power position then stand up and bring the DB back down to the ground and switch arms. 

For box jumps, start with both feet on the floor facing the box shoulder-width apart. Jump up onto the plyo-box, jumping off of both feet at the same time and landing on both feet. Then, make sure to stand all the way up at the top of the box. You can step down or jump down before going again. 

workout of the week

Workout of the Week



  • 3 Wall Walks
  • 12 DB Snatches
  • 15 Box jump overs

Scaling options would start with not walking all the way to the wall on your hands, potentially taking 2 "steps" with your hands. If you can't do that at all then do a bear crawl for 5 feet. You can scale the snatches by decreasing the weight. Box jump overs can be scaled by doing step-ups and over instead of jumping. The height can also be adjusted.

I hope you enjoy this workout!

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


Workout of the Week 3/7/22


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