Workout of the Week 3/12/23

Workout of the Week 3/12/23

Not only is it time for another Workout of the Week, but we also lost an hour of sleep last night. Thank you time change (So sarcastic). Fortunately for me the baby still keeps me getting up regularly so when it is time to get up on Monday for work, it shouldn't be too difficult. I have also been released to start working out again. Which means I will be doing some sort of adjusted form of todays workout. For this week's workout you will need a plyometric box or something to step up on and a set of dumbbells. Definitely going to be a spicy one!


The first movement is a run. Simply mark off 100 m and run down and back. Next, we have DB step-ups. Using the plyobox or something to step up to, start in front with the dumbbells at your side. Then step up onto the box making sure to fully extend the hips so you stand at full height on top of the box. Step down using the last foot that came up to the box first. Be sure to switch feet every time.  Next, is the push press. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the weights in the front rack position. Then slightly bend your knees keeping your back straight, then use your hips to stand up, pushing the weights overhead and locking out your arms. Bring the weights back down to your shoulders. Lastly, there are DB Squats.Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then squat down until your hip crease is below your knee crease, making sure to keep your weight on your heels and your knees tracking out over your toes. Also, keep your chest up. Then come back to a full standing position.  Place your DBs in the front rack position.

Workout of the Week

12 min AMRAP
  • 200 m Run
  • 12 DB Step Ups
  • 16 DB Push Press
  • 20 DB Squats

Scaling options would be to walk instead of run and then to use lighter dumbbells. You could also you something lower to the ground to step up to. Always be mindful of form and your own limitations. Please ask a doctor before starting a new exercise regiment or taking new supplements.


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Workout of the Week 1/15/23