Workout of the Week 06/16/18
So this weekend is Father's Day and I wanted to honor my hubby. And because of this workout of the week is designed to be like what he does on a regular basis.
He is an amazing man and father and also an avid fitness enthusiast. He prefers the term Gym Rat. Because he is in the military he definitely keeps in good shape.
Since he is a Gym Rat and I mainly do workouts that people can do at home I am doing one of his few at home workouts. Its one of his PT Test Preps. So lets see how ready you are for the military?? No equipment is needed.
For this workout, it is done a little differently. Not all movements have to be done together for time. The first movement is a 2 mile run. Now this is done for time so keep track of how long it takes you to do it.
After that you can take a short rest before moving on to the next thing. I wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes resting. The next movement is push-ups until failure. A true push-up starts in plank position and then you go down so that your chest hits the floor before coming back up.
Until failure simply means until you can no longer physically do a push-up. You can take a short pause, shake your arms out and get back to it as you need until you can no longer push yourself back up.
Lastly, are sit-ups also done until failure. Start laying down on the ground and then sit up until your shoulders pass your hips. Again pauses and breathers are allowed until you can no longer sit-up. While Sit-ups don't require any equipment, I do suggest using an abMat to support your back.
Workout of the Week
- 2 Mile run For Time
- Push-ups to failure
- Sit-ups to failure
If you can't run, I would suggest a walk. Indoor or outdoor for this will work, but it was designed for an outdoor setting. For push-ups you can do them from your knees or at an angle against a wall or counter. If you can't do a sit-up try crunches instead.
And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!