Family, Fun and Fitness Goals for Fall 2018

Now that it is late August heading into Fall I wanted to share with you all my goals for this Fall. All thing involved in family, fun and fitness!While spring and summer are definitely favorites for me, I can appreciate the fun that is fall. The leaves turn colors and look beautiful, Football starts, Halloween comes and then Thanksgiving.And people wonder why they gain weight in the fall!! All the fun things to do that involve food! And I love food. I really have a problem. My husband picks on me for how excited I get when I get good food.But I digress. This post isn't about eating for the holidays (look for that closer to Halloween). This post is about what I am planning and am looking forward to this fall.Fall goals

Fall Goals

Overall my goals are to be healthier and happier. We are getting ready for a new move in January so de-cluttering my home and saving as much money as possible will be on our minds. Have to prepare for me to be unemployed for a period of time. I am also getting ready to start school so I have to prepare for that.I will continue the Workout of the Week for you all but I am also working on an actual program for you to purchase in the future. Let me know what you would like to see. Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest! I also have a LinkedIn I have started sharing content to.Fall family goals

Family Goals

Shamar is 3 years old and finally old enough to start organized sports. We have signed him up for Soccer this year and that will be every Sunday for us. Personally I am very excited. I loved sports and soccer was always my favorite.He is growing so fast and is learning how to write his name at school. I am thrilled to see him progressing so fast at his new daycare. He also has been behaving better recently.My goals for Shamar would be to enjoy the soccer and learn some life skills about playing on a team. I don't expect him to be an all-star already but I do want him to learn how to play with others and how to follow instructions from a coach.Another goal for Shamar has to do with his behavior. I really want him to continue to behave. I realize he will not be a perfect angel everyday, but I would like to make it through the new year without having to leave work and go pick him up from daycare.Moms I know that you understand me on this! He is overall a good kid and I don't have a lot of issues at home but he is an only child. He has had a few issues at daycare and we have tried several different punishment techniques. This last one seems to be working and if that is the case for more than a month I will probably write a post about that as well. Just a heads up.As for my hubby, he turns the big 30 this Fall. I cannot wait to celebrate with him. He did it big for me when I turned 30 earlier this year and I plan on returning the favor. (Yes I am older than him and No he doesn't let me forget it).

FUN Goals

Family and Fun go hand in hand I feel. Especially in the fall with all the holidays and events that we do as a family. I am definitely looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving. We always do something fun and family related.A goal for this year is to go to a NFL game. Neither my husband or myself have ever been and it is something that we want to knock off our bucket list this year. I also have never been to a Baseball Game and I want to go to a Braves game before the season ends.For Halloween I want to dress up with my son this year. I have yet to do it and now that he is getting older I think that he will really enjoy it. Last year we went to a festival and he really enjoyed it and I believe we will go to another one this year. His school is also having a party this year and I want to help participate in that as well.For Thanksgiving we will probably go to my in-laws as is our usual tradition when we are within driving distance. As his mother and grandmother are starting to get older cooking has now turned to us younger generation. This year I would like to cook some healthier sides that they will enjoy.I am the daughter-in-law known for not really cooking, but the few times I have cooked something they have enjoyed it. I try to keep it healthier because I know I will be eating fried turkey and pie.Also be prepared for some DIY and Fall crafts coming!fall fitness goals

Fitness Goals

Fitness is one of my favorite topics if you haven't already noticed. It is definitely a passion of mine. And I have some exciting news for the Fall!!!At the end of September I will be taking the CrossFit Level 1 Certification course so that I can be certified to coach. This is something I have thought about and looked into several times over the years, but never had always had an excuse not to. Not enough time, not enough money, didn't think I was skilled enough you name it I had the excuse for it.As far as the actual fitness part goes, I have a couple of goals for this fall. First I want to do at least three more 5K runs. I love doing these and I even want to get a PR. There is a 5K up Kennesaw Mountain and I want to try it. I have never even attempted to run up a mountain before so I would like to try.This past month I got my first pull-up and handstand push-up. My goals for the fall are to start working on stringing them together and eventually be able to do them in workouts. As far as lifting goals it is always to hit new PRs, but I specifically would like to work on my technique for my squat snatch and squat clean.My technique definitely needs some work on these. I am great at power cleaning and power snatching but have issues catching it in the squat. Logically I know what I am doing wrong and what I need to do but getting my body to do what my mind says is two different stories.With the holidays coming my overall health goal is to maintain. I need to learn to snack in moderation and not indulge just because the Reece's pumpkins are in the store (my Favorite). So this year I wan to work on my nutrition and maintaining a healthy diet overall.I know what I am supposed to eat and I know how to workout but I am not always great at doing it correctly. Beginning in January I am even enrolled to start my Master's in Nutrition but I LOVE Oreo's and milk, and a lot of food that I really shouldn't eat. I am working on it.Anyways I wan to hear your goals for the Fall! Please share with me!Shop the Runkeeper Store!


Workout of the Week 08/25/18


Workout of the Week 08/18/18