Workout of the Week 10/14/18

I know its Sunday and I am a day late, but in my defense, I have had a weird week. I have had this Workout of the Week ready since Thursday but for some reason, my head has been out of it. It hasn’t been a bad week just an ugh week.I don’t really have any excuse except I haven’t been feeling the greatest. But here we are and its Sunday and I am determined to get some work done. This is first on the list.This workout of the week I found somewhere a long time ago and took a picture of it and it popped into my Time-hop on Thursday and I thought it was perfect for us to do at home. I did make minor adjustments but it originally came to me from someone else. I wish I could give credit to them but I don’t honestly know who wrote the original.While I do write the majority of the workouts for my blog, there are a few that were inspired by others or even are common CrossFit WODs. I try to give credit where I can. My husband even helped with this workout of the week I wrote for him for Father's Day.


So this week the only thing you will need is a kettle-bell. I wouldn’t go to heavy due to the volume you will be doing. I have this Kettle-bell in 25lbs.For this workout, it will start with a 200m run. You will then complete four rounds of the workout and then end with another 200m run. The clock starts before you take off on your first run.The workout itself is pretty simple. The goblet squats you will hold the kettlebell at chest level and squat. Make sure to get your butt below parallel. The kettlebell swings should bring the kettle-bell fully overhead.You should start with the kettle-bell in between your legs almost directly under you. Squat down to the power position, and then using your legs and hips swing the kettle-bell up until its directly overhead. If you have a shoulder problem then bring it to eye level.The sumo deadlift high pull is two movements put together. Start in a wide stance with the kettle-bell directly below. The first part is a deadlift and you will bring the kettlebell off the ground. Without stopping go directly into a high pull that brings the kettlebell to your chest. Make sure to keep your elbows up and out. Then bring the weight back down. It should be a very fluid movement.Workout of the Week 10/14/18

Workout of the Week

For time:

Buy in: 200m run4 rounds:

  • 20 Goblet Squats
  • 20 KB Swings
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High pull

Cash-out: 200m RunScaling options: For the run, you can walk, for the squat use either a lighter weight or don’t squat down as far. Try squatting to a bench then standing back up. The kettlebell swings can be done again with lighter weight or scaled only to your eyesight. The sumo deadlift high pull would be to lower the weight.If you have any questions please ask!! I love to hear from you!!


5 Fun, Healthy Halloween Snacks for Kids


Workout of the Week 10/06/18