Workout of the Week 1/6/19

Happy New Year!! I hope all of you had a great time over the holidays! I definitely did and felt pain on the scale earlier this week. So we are starting this year off with a great Workout of the Week to get everyone up and moving.

Some of you may have already started your workouts and healthy eating for your New Year's resolutions some may be waiting until Monday. And guess what that is OK too!

As most of you know I haven't stopped working out. My goal last year was to remain consistent throughout the entire year and I did that. This year I plan to continue that and focus on my nutrition.

Starting Monday I will be participating in a 28 Day Slim & Trim Challenge as well as redoing my 28 Day Kick-Start Fitness Program! Please join me and lets start 2019 off right!!


The movements for this workout are very simple but get you moving!! You will essentially be running 1.25 miles overall. (I am working on my cardio endurance for the New Year).

For The kettle-bell swings You should start with the kettle-bell in between your legs almost directly under you. Squat down to the power position, and then using your legs and hips swing the kettle-bell up until its directly overhead. If you have a shoulder problem then bring it to eye level.

The push-ups follow the KB Swings. Just remember you are making sure your chest touches the ground before you push back up.

Workout of the Week

Work out of the Week 1/6/18- Great workout to start the new year off right! Get out and go move!!

5 Rounds for Time

  • 400 m Run
  • 30 KB Swings
  • 30 Push-ups

Scaling options for this workout would be to walk instead of run. With the KB Swings you have a few options, the first would be to do a lower weight than what you would normally do because of the quantity. If you have a shoulder issue then swing the KB to eye height instead of completely over head.

Push-up scaling options would be to first go to your knees. The second would be to stand up and leaning do a push-up against a wall or a counter.

As always I hope you enjoy the sweat you get from this workout! Don't forget to follow me on all my social media!! Checkout some of my workout videos on Instagram!

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


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