5 Best Items For Your At Home Gym For under $50
On my journey to become more fit I decided that I needed to incorporate at-home workouts. So, I have started investing in an At-Home Gym. It is a work in progress and nowhere near finished.
Just like many of you I work and am still trying to pay off student loans and other debt. I can't afford a state of the art at home gym. But I can get a good workout in with the items I am about to share. Below is a list of 5 of the best items to buy for your at-home gym for under $50.
This should be enough to get you started and then you can always add more as you go along. You can even buy these one paycheck at a time if you need to. I didn't even buy them all at once.
5 Best Items For Your At-Home Gym For Under $50
1. Kettle-Bells
Kettle-Bell- I have a 25lb Kettle-bell that is great to incorporate in most of my workouts. Some of my favorite moves even done in a gym are down with a kettle-bell. Eventually, you can add different weights, but I would start with something moderate.
2. Jump Rope
Jump Rope-Jumping rope is a great cardio workout that you can do anywhere you have the space. This Jump-N-Rope jump-rope is great for indoor or outdoor and makes those double unders more manageable.
3. Plyometric Box
Plyometric box- This box is next on my list of purchases and will be made next pay period. Originally, I was going to try and make one myself. But by the time I bought all the
4. Dumbbells
Dumbbells- This one is tricky, but I decided to include it anyway. For Dumbbells, it depends on how much weight you want. I have 2-20lb dumbbells which are right at $50 for the pair. If you want a heavier weight obviously it will cost more.
5. Wall Ball
A wall ball is a great ball for workouts. It can be used as a medicine ball, a slam ball or a wall ball. They come in several different sizes. In the box, I usually use a 14 but for the house, I have a 10lb ball.
Your New At Home GYM!!
These are definitely enough items to get you started on your at-home gym. Daily workouts can be done with minimal equipment as long as you have space!