Workout of the Week 1/27/19

Good morning and happy Sunday! It is officially the last Sunday of January and I hope you all have made progress with your New Years goals. I know I sure have. Today's Workout of the Week is designed to get you moving and keep you moving.

For me, tomorrow is technically weigh-in day, but as of last Monday, I had lost almost 9lbs and about 3% body fat according to my Qardio scale since the New Year and 4lbs and 1%body fat since I started my 28 Day challenge. I am looking forward to seeing where I am tomorrow and then I have one more week left for my challenge.

Be on the look out for the results of my challenge! I will be sharing with you all how I did and what I ate, maybe not everyday but a general idea! I did something similar to this last year when I did AdvoCare's 24 Day Jumpstart.


Anyways lets get started with this workout. All of these movements are ones we have done before. This is for time so try and keep track.

The first movement is the Double under. This is when the jump rope passes under the feet twice before the feet touch the ground. This requires good movement of your wrists for them to flick the jump rope around twice in between each jump.

The next movement is the Dumbbell snatches. Only one dumbbell is used and you will be alternating your arms every time the dumbbell comes back to the ground. Start with the dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Next, you will bend down pick it up with hand similar to a deadlift, then using the power of your hips, throw the dumbbell up overhead with a straight-arm. Then bring the dumbbell back to the ground.

Sit-ups are next in line. The sit-ups are pretty easy. Start lying down and sit up so that your shoulders go past our hip crease. I recommend having you legs in the butterfly position to help fully activate your abs.

Next our burpees, one of our favorite cardio movements. For this you will start in a standing position, the bring your hands down to the ground as you jump your feet backwards. This will put you in the plank position, from here do a push-up chest touches the ground and then jump your feet back up to your hands and stand all the way up. As you do this jump with your hands over your head. That is one rep.

For the thrusters just hold the dumbbells at your shoulders, they can even rest there if it is easier for you. Then squat down using proper form, getting your butt below your knees and the weight on your heels. Keep proper form with your back and your chest up. Come up to the full standing position, with your hips fully extended. As you are coming up, thrust the dumbbells up and over your head, locking out your arms at the top before bringing them back down to your shoulders. 

Lastly a run is a run just go move!

Workout of the Week 1/27/19 Great workout to get you moving. With all the movements the goal is to keep moving!

Workout of the Week

5 Rounds for Time

  • 25 Double Unders
  • 20 Alt Dumbbell Snatches
  • 15 Sit-ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 5 DB Thrusters
  • Run 100 m

Scaling options would be to do single jump ropes and double the amount. The next would be to just pick a lower weight for the DB snatches and thrusters. Burpees have a few options for scaling, the first would be not to do the push-up, the other would be to do it against something like a box. And lastly if you can't run, walk! Just keep moving.

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


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