Workout of the Week 3/31/19

Well, it is finally the end of March, and almost time for my family to fly to Germany. I have no workout equipment and have already canceled all of my gym memberships. Because of that, I have designed this Workout of the Week to be able to be done anywhere and on the move.So this workout is designed to be more of a cardio workout with a twist because I always need a small break when it comes to cardio work. It's not my favorite thing that is for sure but definitely something I need to improve on.The only equipment I have is my jump rope and I plan on using it. A lot. By the time I get the rest of my workout equipment in Germany, I will be a master at double unders. This is me willing it into existence.


The first movement is double unders. A double under is a movement with a jump rope where the rope goes around twice before the feet land for the jump. In simple terms, the rope moves faster than the jump so for every jump the rope rotates around twice. You will need to use quick wrist movements for this.The next movement is an air squat. First, you will start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Next, you squat down so that your hip crease goes below parallel with your knee crease. While doing this make sure to drive your knees outward and keep your weight on your heels. Your chest needs to be up, maintaining the lumbar curve of your back. Then you come all the way back up to the standing position, hips and knees fully locked out.Next is a quick run. What I suggest is that you mark out 100 meters and run there and back.Lastly, there is a push-up. Your hands will start at your rib cage while you are laying on the ground. Push-up to a plank position keeping your body in a straight line the entire time. Bring your chest down to touch the ground and then push back up.Workout of the Week 3/30/19

Workout of The Week

5 Rounds for Time

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 20 Squats
  • 200 M Run

Scaling options would be to do single unders instead of double unders, but then you need to do 100. Scaling squats I would squat down to a box or chair. And instead of running, you can walk. Push-ups can be done from your knees or against a bar top or counter.I hope you all enjoyed this workout and don't forget to come back and check out the other Workout of the Weeks! If you really like them sign up below for 5 Free days of Workouts or even our 28 Day Kick-Start program!Until next time.


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