Workout of the Week 7/21/19

Good morning and Happy Sunday!! The end of July is fast approaching and with it the end of summer and back to school for those of us with children. This Workout of the Week is a quick one designed to get your blood pumping but great when you're short on time.

With all the back to school shopping and organizing I am doing I know I am not the only one needing the extra time. It has been about a month since I have actually worked out myself due to health reasons but I finally started back yesterday. Today I just needed something to keep me moving and motivated.

For this Workout of the week, you will need your Jump Rope and a Kettlebell. I use the ones below. I suggest the indoor/outdoor Jump Rope and I use a 25 lb KB for my at-home workouts.


First, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double unders. With these Practice makes perfect.

Next are KB swings. For these start standing over the KB with it between your legs that are shoulder-width apart. Pick it up, then bending your knees slightly swing the KB overhead using the strength from your legs and hips. The bottom of the KB should face the sky directly about your head before you bring it back down.

Then there are Push-ups. For these start in the plank position and go down so your chest touches the ground and then push all the way back up. Keep your back straight and try not to worm your way back up. 

Workout of the Week 7/21/19

Workout of the Week

For Time:

  • Buy in: 200 DUs
  • 21-15-9
  • KB Swings
  • Push Ups
  • Cash Out: 200 DUS

Scaling options will start with the DUs. If you can do some but 200 is too many or would take way too much time then scale it down to a reasonable number and then add some singles. You should not spend more than 5 minutes doing this step. If you can't do DUs then do singles at 400 reps.

The next scaling option would be to do KB Swings with a lighter weight. And for the push-ups you can either scale to do push-ups on your knees or against a bench or plyobox.

If you are looking for more At home workouts check out our Workout of the Week posts as well as join our FB Group for At-Home Workouts. Please feel free to share some of your own to the group!

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


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