Workout of the Week 10/25/2020

Good Morning everyone! I am going to try something different for this week's Workout of the Week post. For this, I need your input so please let me know if you like the new format. I am going to add video examples of the moves. For now, I am using youtube videos from other sources, but one day I hope to have my own examples up.

I am working on updating my 28 Day Kickstart program and creating some more programing, and it made me think it might be beneficial to add videos to my blog posts.

With that being said, we can go ahead and get started. For today's workout, you will need a set of dumbbells and a jump rope.


First, is the push press. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the weights in the front rack position. Then slightly bend your knees keeping your back straight, then using your hips stand up, pushing the weights overhead and locking out your arms. Bring the weights back down to your shoulders.

Next is a new movement, Dumbbell Row. For this movement, you will start slightly bent over at the hips. You will have the dumbbells in your hands extended down towards the floor, but not as far as a deadlift. Then you will bring the weights up toward your chest, making sure to keep your elbows back and out, pinching your shoulder blades together in the back. Then bring the weights back to the starting position.

Then there are V-ups. For these start laying down on the ground on your back with your hands extended up over your head. Then using your abs bring your legs up and arms up to meet together in the middle, keeping your body as straight as possible, so that you look like a V. Then control your movements down to the floor again.

Lastly, there are double unders. This is when the jump rope passes below your feet twice in one jump, hence the term double unders.

Workout of the Week

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 8 DB Push Press
  • 12 DB Bent over Row
  • 16 V-ups
  • 20 DUs

Scaling options would first be reducing the weight for the DB movements. The V-ups can be scaled to seated knee tucks. And as always DUs can be scaled to single unders.

Again please let me know how you like the videos added. And I hope you enjoy this workout.


Workout of the Week 11/16/2020


Workout of the Week 10/18/2020