Workout Of the Week 05/12/18

This workout of the week is definitely a full-body workout. It can be done with weights or without. What I suggest to do these workouts in the future is to purchase a set of dumbbells and a medicine ball or even a kettlebell.

You can use the weights for some of the exercises or all of them, depending on your fitness level. For today, you will need a chair or a bench,  basically something to help support your weight for the Tricep Dips.

This workout will work your arms/chest with push ups, burpees and tricep dips. As well as work your legs on squats, burpees and lunges. We will also work your core on sit ups, burpees and russian twists.


Today's workout of the week contains 7 movements done for 7 reps for 7 rounds for time. The first movement is the push-up. You will start in the plan position and then go down until your chest hits the ground. Then you will push back up to the plank position.

The next movement is the squat. For this, you will start standing with your feet should width apart and squat down until your hips are below your knees. Then make sure to stand all the way back up. With the sit-ups the main thing you need to remember is when you come up your shoulders need to go past your hips.

The burpees are probably the hardest movement for today. First, you will start standing then drop down to the ground so that your chest is on the ground similar to a push-up. Then push-up to a plank position and jump your feet to your hands and stand up.

With the lunges, as you step forward you just need to make sure your front knee doesn't go past your toes as well as your back knee touches the ground.

The russian twists you will sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet off the ground. Then you will twist side to side, using your hands to touch the ground by your hips.

Last are the tricep dips. For these you will put your hands on a bench or chair and your legs out in front of you on the ground. Using your arms you will dip down to the ground and bring your body back up.

Workout of the Week 5/12/18 a great workout to get you moving at-home.

Workout of the Week

Seven Rounds for Time

  • 7 Push-ups
  • 7 Squats
  • 7 Sit-ups
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Lunges
  • 7 Russian Twists
  • 7 Tricep Dips

This workout can be scaled with the push ups, burpees, and tricep dips. Please be mindful of your abilities and capabilities.


Workout of the Week 05/05/18


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