Workout of the Week 10/28/18
It's my husbands birthday today!!! He turns 30!! Because of that, this Workout of the Week is dedicated to him. I made a twist on the Dirty Thirty workout so I hope you enjoy!!
This workout is definitely a burner and you will feel it everywhere when you are done. I love it and it is one of my favorites. However, I did change some of the movements so that this can be done at home with minimum equipment. For this workout, you will need a Kettle-bell, dumbbells, and a jump rope. Below are the ones I use!
This workout uses multiple movements. The key is to get done with one movement and just move on as quickly as possible. Know your strengths. Try to break the reps as needed but also push yourself to keep going. For this workout, there are 10 consecutive movements. Each one will be done 30 times before you move on to the next movement.
The first movement is box jumps. You will need a box or a step to jump up to. Landing with both feet and standing all the way up before you jump back down.
Next will be push-ups and the scaled version would be to go to your knees or against the wall or a bench at an angle.
Kettle-bell swings are the next movement. The kettle-bell needs to go all the way overhead.
Lunges can be done walking or in place alternating sides. Knee does need to touch the ground.
The V-ups are a great ab exercise. For this you lay down with your arms over your head. To start engage your abs then bring your arms up and feet up to meet in the middle like a V.
The Dumbbell push press is next. Dumbbells start at your shoulders and you slightly bend your knees in the power position and then push the dumbbells up overhead.
There is still more
Supermans are a great ab and back workout. Start laying down on your stomach with your arms out in front. To start you will engage your back and glutes and raise your legs up and arms up to look like superman flying, then slowly release them back down.
Dumbbell thrusters we have done before, but the dumbbells start at the shoulders. You then squat to below parallel and as you come up, thrust the dumbbells up overhead. Bring the dumbbells back to the shoulder-level and start again.
Burpees are a great cardio as well as a full body workout. Start in a standing position, then reach your hands next to your feet and jump your feet backwards in the plank position. Your chest needs to touch the ground before you push up and jump your feet back up to your hands, then stand all the way up and jump up and clap your hands.
Double unders are our favorite jump rope workout. The rope needs to rotate twice under you before your feet come back down between jumps.
Workout of the Week
For time: "Dirty Thirty"
- 30 Box Jumps
- 30 Push-ups
- 30 Kettle-bell Swings
- 30 Lunges
- 30 V-Ups
- 30 Dumbbell Push Press
- 30 Supermans
- 30 Dumbbell Thrusters
- 30 Burpees
- 30 Double Unders
I hope you all enjoy this workout and definitely feel the burn!! Have a great week and see you next Workout of the Week!!
Scaling options:
For the box jumps if this is too difficult the scaled version would be step ups to a box or step. Scaling options for the Kettle-bell swings would be to lower the weight or only swing the Kettle-bell to eye level.
For the V-ups if this is too difficult the scaled version is use bent knees and bring them into your chest. Scaling options for the dumbbell push press would be to use lighter weight, also with the dumbbell thrusters.
Scaling options for the burpee would be to step back instead of jumping back as well as to know go all the way to the ground depending on your individual needs.
Double unders Scaling options would be to just double the number and do single jump ropes.
And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!