Workout of the Week 11/04/18

Hello everyone!! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It is now time for the Workout of the Week! It is definitely starting to get colder out and with Halloween over and our eyes set on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am definitely one to need the extra workout motivation through the Holidays.

I designed this workout of the week with the intention that it can be done inside. The only equipment needed will be a dumbbell. You will need an empty wall in your house and just, in general, enough space to workout.

I know I never write a warm up but you should be doing them every week and for every workout you do. Going straight into a workout without warming up the muscles is not ideal. The reason I don't supply one is because I don't know the space or equipment you have outside of what I suggest.

I hope that you enjoy this weeks workout as it was designed to try work on some different techniques and abilities.


The first movement we are starting with are wall walks. For this movement you should start in the push-up position with your feet against the base of a wall. Then you will "walk" your feet up the wall and your hands back to the wall. The idea is to get as close to the wall as you can with your stomach almost touching, then you will walk your hands slowly back out and your feet come down the wall slow and controlled. Don't just drop your feet off the wall.

The next movement is Dumbbell snatches. Only one dumbbell is used and you will be alternating your arms every time the dumbbell comes back to the ground. Start with the dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Next, you will bend down pick it up with hand similar to a deadlift, then using the power of your hips, throw the dumbbell up overhead with a straight-arm. Then bring the dumbbell back to the ground.

Lastly there are burpees. Start in a standing position, then reach your hands next to your feet and jump your feet backwards in the plank position. Your chest needs to touch the ground before you push up and jump your feet back up to your hands, stand all the way up and jump up and clap your hands.

Workout of the Week

Workout of the Week 11/04/18

15 Minute AMRAP

  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 10 DB Snatches
  • 15 Burpees

Scaling options for the Wall Walks would to not walk all the way to the wall, instead just move your hands a few times. Work on getting closer each time but it will be difficult regardless. For the Dumbbell snatches would be to just use lighter weight. Burpees have a few scaling options including stepping back and up instead of jumping your feet up or back. Also not going down to the ground, just going to the plank position. Either way you need to feel the movement and see what works for you.

I hope you all enjoy this and really feel the burn. Remember to keep track of your scores!

And if you are looking for a bigger challenge, check out our Fitness Programs you can purchase!! The 28 Day Kick-Start is a great program to start your at-home fitness journey!!


Workout of the Week 11/18/2018


Workout of the Week 10/28/18